Alphabet Inc.


Company Overview

Alphabet, Inc. engages in the business of delivering online advertising, cloud-based solutions that provide enterprise customers with infrastructure and platform services, the provision of communication and collaboration tools, and sales of other products and services such as apps and in-app purchases, hardware, and subscription-based products. It operates under the Google Services and Google Cloud segments. The Google Services segment includes ads, Android, Chrome, hardware, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, Google Photos, Google Play, Search, and YouTube. The Google Cloud segment offers Google Cloud Platform and Google Workspace. It was founded by Lawrence E. Page and Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin through a restructuring of Google on October 2, 2015 and became the parent for Google and several former Google subsidiaries. The company is headquartered in Mountain View, CA.

Market Cap
Last Fiscal Year
Final Shariah Status
Compliance Analysis Overview

Shariah Compliance Benchmarks:

  • Business Compliance: Non-Shariah compliant revenue must be less than 5% of total revenue
  • Liabilities Compliance: Interest-bearing debt must be less than 33% of market capitalization
Business Compliance
0.00% passed
5% Threshold
Liabilities Compliance
1.65% passed
33% Threshold
Final Shariah Status

This stock meets all Shariah compliance criteria according to AAOIFI standards.

Stock Information
Name Alphabet Inc.
Ticker GOOG
Main Business American multinational technology conglomerate holding company
Type Common Stock
Industry Internet Content & Information
Country US
Market Cap $1,724.98 B

Shariah Analysis Breakdown

Business compliance Breakdown
Revenue Segment Value ($M) Non-Compliant ($M) Reason
Google advertising $224,473.0 $0.0 -
Google other $29,055.0 $0.0 -
Google Cloud $26,280.0 $0.0 Google Cloud includes infrastructure and platform services, collaboration tools, and other services for enterprise customers. Google Cloud generates revenues from fees received for Google Cloud Platform services, Google Workspace communication and collaboration tools, and other enterprise services.
Other Bets $1,068.0 $0.0 Revenues from Other Bets are generated primarily from the sale of health technology and internet services.
Hedging gains (losses) $1,960.0 $0.0 -
Total $282,836.0 $0.0 0.00% (passed)
Liabilities Compliance Breakdown
Liability Item Value ($M) % of Market Cap
current debt and capital lease obligation $2,790,000,000.0 0.16%
long term debt and capital lease obligation $25,710,000,000.0 1.49%
Total Interest-Bearing Debt $28,500,000,000.0 1.65%
Market Capitalization $1,724,983,200,000.0 100.00%
Compliance Status Threshold: 33% passed