Kraft Heinz Co-The


Company Overview

The Kraft Heinz Co. engages in the manufacture and market of food and beverage products. The firm operates through the following geographical segments: United States, Canada and International. Its brands include Oscar Meyer, Velveeta, Smart Ones, Caprisun, Kool-Aid, Golden circle and Honig. The company was founded on July 2, 2015, and is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA.

Market Cap
Last Fiscal Year
Final Shariah Status
Compliance Analysis Overview

Shariah Compliance Benchmarks:

  • Business Compliance: Non-Shariah compliant revenue must be less than 5% of total revenue
  • Liabilities Compliance: Interest-bearing debt must be less than 33% of market capitalization
Business Compliance
3.56% passed
5% Threshold
Liabilities Compliance
44.76% failed
33% Threshold
Final Shariah Status

This stock does not meet all Shariah compliance criteria according to AAOIFI standards.

Stock Information
Name Kraft Heinz Co-The
Ticker KHC
Main Business Packaged Foods
Type Common Stock
Industry Packaged Foods
Country US
Market Cap $44.75 B

Shariah Analysis Breakdown

Business compliance Breakdown
Revenue Segment Value ($M) Non-Compliant ($M) Reason
Condiments and sauces $8,241.0 $0.0 -
Cheese and dairy $3,976.0 $0.0 -
Ambient foods $3,047.0 $0.0 -
Frozen and chilled foods $2,922.0 $0.0 -
Meats and seafood $2,733.0 $819.9 contains pork
Refreshment beverages $1,999.0 $0.0 -
Coffee $903.0 $0.0 -
Infant and nutrition $411.0 $0.0 -
Desserts, toppings and baking $1,195.0 $0.0 -
Other $1,058.0 $0.0 -
Other income $253.0 $133.0 Interest income and foreign exchange gain
Total $26,738.0 $952.9 3.56% (passed)
Liabilities Compliance Breakdown
Liability Item Value ($M) % of Market Cap
current debt and capital lease obligation $638,000,000.0 1.43%
long term debt and capital lease obligation $19,390,000,000.0 43.33%
Total Interest-Bearing Debt $20,028,000,000.0 44.76%
Market Capitalization $44,745,800,000.0 100.00%
Compliance Status Threshold: 33% failed