McKesson Corp


Company Overview

McKesson Corp. engages in providing healthcare services. It operates through the following segments: U.S. Pharmaceutical, Prescription Technology Solutions (RxTS), Medical-Surgical Solutions, and International. The U.S. Pharmaceutical segment distributes branded, generic, specialty, biosimilar and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs. The RxTS segment offers prescription price transparency, benefit insight, dispensing support services, third-party logistics, and wholesale distribution. The Medical-Surgical Solutions segment provides medical-surgical supply distribution, logistics, and other services to healthcare providers. The International segment refers to the distribution and services to wholesale, institutional, and retail customers in Europe and Canada. The company was founded by John McKesson and Charles Olcott in 1833 and is headquartered in Irving, TX.

Market Cap
Last Fiscal Year
Final Shariah Status
Compliance Analysis Overview

Shariah Compliance Benchmarks:

  • Business Compliance: Non-Shariah compliant revenue must be less than 5% of total revenue
  • Liabilities Compliance: Interest-bearing debt must be less than 33% of market capitalization
Business Compliance
0.05% passed
5% Threshold
Liabilities Compliance
10.60% passed
33% Threshold
Final Shariah Status

This stock meets all Shariah compliance criteria according to AAOIFI standards.

Stock Information
Name McKesson Corp
Ticker MCK
Main Business Medical Distribution
Type Common Stock
Industry Medical Distribution
Country US
Market Cap $69.79 B

Shariah Analysis Breakdown

Business compliance Breakdown
Revenue Segment Value ($M) Non-Compliant ($M) Reason
U.S. Pharmaceutical $278,739.0 $0.0 -
Prescription Technology Solutions $4,769.0 $0.0 -
Medical-Surgical Solutions $11,313.0 $0.0 -
International $14,130.0 $0.0 -
Interest income $118.0 $118.0 -
Equity in earnings, net $4.0 $4.0 -
Other $34.0 $34.0 Other, net for all periods presented includes income recognized from finance charges to customers primarily for late fees.
Total $309,107.0 $156.0 0.05% (passed)
Liabilities Compliance Breakdown
Liability Item Value ($M) % of Market Cap
current debt and capital lease obligation $345,000,000.0 0.49%
long term debt and capital lease obligation $7,050,000,000.0 10.10%
Total Interest-Bearing Debt $7,395,000,000.0 10.60%
Market Capitalization $69,785,131,500.0 100.00%
Compliance Status Threshold: 33% passed