PayPal Holdings Inc


Company Overview

PayPal Holdings, Inc. engages in the development of technology platforms for digital payments. Its solutions include PayPal, PayPal Credit, Braintree, Venmo, Xoom, and Paydiant products. It manages a two-sided proprietary global technology platform that links customers, which consist of both merchants and consumers, to facilitate the processing of payment transactions. It allows its customers to use their account for both purchase and paying for goods, as well as to transfer and withdraw funds. It also enables consumers to exchange funds with merchants using funding sources, which include bank account, PayPal account balance, PayPal Credit account, credit and debit card or other stored value products. It offers consumers person-to-person payment solutions through its PayPal Website and mobile application, Venmo and Xoom. The company was founded in December 1998 and is headquartered in San Jose, CA.

Market Cap
Last Fiscal Year
Final Shariah Status
Compliance Analysis Overview

Shariah Compliance Benchmarks:

  • Business Compliance: Non-Shariah compliant revenue must be less than 5% of total revenue
  • Liabilities Compliance: Interest-bearing debt must be less than 33% of market capitalization
Business Compliance
0.00% passed
5% Threshold
Liabilities Compliance
15.76% passed
33% Threshold
Final Shariah Status

This stock does not meet all Shariah compliance criteria according to AAOIFI standards.

Stock Information
Name PayPal Holdings Inc
Ticker PYPL
Main Business Credit Services
Type Common Stock
Industry Credit Services
Country US
Market Cap $61.41 B

Shariah Analysis Breakdown

Business compliance Breakdown
Revenue Segment Value ($M) Non-Compliant ($M) Reason
$0.0 $0.0 -
Total $0.0 $0.0 0.00% (passed)
Liabilities Compliance Breakdown
Liability Item Value ($M) % of Market Cap
long term debt and capital lease obligation $9,680,000,000.0 15.76%
Total Interest-Bearing Debt $9,680,000,000.0 15.76%
Market Capitalization $61,410,000,000.0 100.00%
Compliance Status Threshold: 33% passed